Note: The illustrations, linked below, function together with the rules to provide a picture of how the game is played. (See Rule Chart.)
1. Game Pieces
2. The Board
​3. The Starting Position
4. Moving the Pieces
5. Moving the Knight
6. Spy Movements
7. Other Spy Moves
8. More
on the Spy
9. More
on the Spy II
10. More
on the Spy
11. Court and
the Spy
12. Rule
of Sanctuary
13. Sanct-uary II
14. King Scenario
15. King Scenario
16. King Scenario
17. King Scenario
18. Sanc-
tuary on
19. King Flips Spy i
20. King Flips Spy ii
21. Spy
Flips King i
22. Spy
Flips King II
23. Flip
of Spy, Foiled
24. Spy Flips Spy
25. Pawns and Sanctuary
26. The
Re-Take Rule
27. More
28. Still More on Re-Taking
29. Pawn Movements
30. More on Pawns
31.Check and
32. More on Collusion
33. Still More on Collusion
34. The Rule of Infiltration
35. Coup d'état
36. Prisoner Release