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I. Set-up
II. Sanctuary
a - c
III. The Spy
II. Sanctuary
d - g
Click on the box to see specific rules. The rules function together with the illustrations to provide a picture of how the game is played. (See Index for illustrations.)
IV. Pieces and Re-Takes
V. The King
a - d
VI. Pawns
VII. Check,
Mate, etc.
a-c (check, four-check sacrifice)
V. The King
e - i
VII. Check, Mate, etc.
d (flipping)
VII. Check, Mate, etc.
e (collusion)
VII. Check, Mate, etc.
f (Infiltration)
VII. Check,
Mate, etc.
g (coup d'état)
VII. Check,
Mate, etc.
h (prisoner
VII. Check,
Mate, etc.
i (scoring)
VIII. Notation
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