The Rules of Cypher Chess
VI. Pawns.
a. Pawns move one square for-ward, up to two on the first move, as in classical chess.
b. They can capture and be cap-tured by any piece, except the Spy, anywhere in the Field or Border. Major pieces launching from Court or the Border can also
take them.
c. As stated above, when a major piece captures a pawn on the Border, it can only be “re-taken” by another pawn.(See complete explanation of re-takes.)
d. Pawns can attack all pieces,
except the Spy, in the Field and Border areas. They cannot go onto, or pose any threat to any pieces on, Court squares.
e. Pawns take other pieces by moving one space forward dia-gonally.
f. If a pawn reaches the other side of the Field (row 1 or 9), a coup d'état follows (see coup d'état, below).
g. There is no en passant.
(Note: Also see the section “prisoner release,” below.)